On-Line Learning Website Link

Please ensure you read the 'Learning At Home Policy' in the side bar before accessing the on-line link.

The Below link will take you into the Learning from Home Website which contains on-line learning packs from Pre Primary to Year 6. (Pre Primary is indicated on the website as Kindergarten

Simply choose the appropriate year level for your child. Once you enter into that site, follow the directions to start engaging in the activities. Start with Day 1 and let the learning begin.

Activities are linked to the Australian Curriculum for that year level.

If you experience any problems, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher via Class Dojo.

It is recommended at a minimum that your child has access to paper or a scrap book, pencils, eraser and sharpener. Some activities may request additional resources, if you are unable to source these, don't worry, either do as much of the activity as possible or skip onto the next activity.

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