Learning at Home Policy


Things have been changing in education at a rapid pace and we have endeavoured to keep you as up to date as possible. While we are still bound by the directives of our government, we want our families to be aware that we have a plan in place should we need to engage our students in distance education throughout 2022. We hope that the following information provides you with some direction about how this will look.

Learning at Home” refers to the ways in which students will work towards the curriculum objectives outlined in the WA Curriculum, as directed by Boyanup PS teaching staff, with support from their parents/carers. 

It is important that during school closure, students can seek support, remain connected and continue to feel a deep sense of belonging and purpose to the school community.

To facilitate this, students are expected to check in daily with their Classroom Teacher. Details of how students will check in will be shared with students and parents by their teacher and will also serve as school attendance registration. If a student is unwell and can’t participate in the learning activities scheduled, parents are asked to send a message to the teacher via the Class Dojo App.


Learning at Home

Modes of Learning

· All communication and support will be through electronic media; email and the App ‘Class Dojo’.

· Online  Learning via the school website https://boyanupps.wa.edu.au/  this is the main portal to access learning tasks and other useful links  -  unless families have organised an alternative arrangement with their child’s teacher.

· Prepared paper work packages for those families without online access.

 Modes of Delivery

· Learning at Home will start if the government gives a directive to do so, or in an event where there is a close contact and required to be in isolation.  

· Timetables for each class will be provided via the Class Dojo App each week by the classroom teacher. Timetables will include suggested daily time allocations.  Parents can modify the programs to meet the needs of their individual children. 

· Those families working online will access  the  ‘Learning At Home’ tab on the school website.

· Supporting work packs will be made available to families who do not have access to on-line learning each week.  Work packs will be organised in class groups under the verandah in front of the administration. Government social distance requirements will apply.

· Completed work packs can be returned to the school at the end of that week or after the isolation period.

· Parents will be provided with sufficient work for five days for Pre Primary - Year 6 students, and two days each week for Kindergarten students. 

· Teachers will inform parents of a communication window where they will respond to questions and queries they receive. This will occur via Class Dojo, email, or phone call.

 Digital Learning

 · Tracking student attendance—parents to message teachers via Dojo each day whether their child is participating in online learning        for the day or if  they are too unwell. 

· Tracking student progress—teachers request parents to periodically send a message via Dojo or email how their child/ren are progressing through their learning journey.

· The classroom teacher may request a snap shot to be taken of certain activities that are then sent to the teacher via Dojo.

· Teachers make themselves available throughout the day (if available and well) to respond to parent emails or Dojo messages.

· Education Assistants check—in with their students as negotiated with the classroom teacher.

 Work Pack Learning

· Classroom teachers determine the most appropriate work packs for their students to access

· Work Packs are prepared for each year level and ready when required.  

· Tracking student attendance—parents to message teachers each day whether their child is participating in completing their work packs or if they are too unwell. 

· Tracking student progress—work pack is returned to school at the end of the isolation period.

· Teachers make themselves available throughout the day (if available and well) to respond to parent emails or Dojo messages.

· Education Assistants check—in with their students as negotiated with the classroom teacher.


Achieving Success at Home

Throughout the week, parents should feel free to mark, comment and give feedback on their child’s school work as it is completed. Teachers value the participation of parents. Communication is a two-way process and we encourage parents to remain in regular contact with teachers.

A Learning at Home support package consisting of  10 strategies has been uploaded to the school website STRATEGIES .



This will provide information and strategies to support families with learning at home. We strongly encourage you to read this information, and complete the activities where possible, to help create the best learning environment for your children at home.

Children with Additional Needs

Children with learning difficulties or special needs may need a modified learning program developed for them. Your classroom teacher is your first port of call and they will work with your child’s Special Needs Assistant to best support your child. Your child’s education assistant from school will prove to be a wealth of knowledge in this area.

Online Subscriptions to Support Learning at Home

Students from Kindy to Year 6  have access to the following subscriptions to further support and extend their learning.
Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress
Some students have access to Mathseeds and Mathletics

Your child’s teacher will be in touch with their login details.

Further Educational Websites

If you find your child is ahead of their work pack or is requiring further extension, there is a list of available websites that may be useful. Listed under the Learning At Home tab on our school Website, USEFUL LINKS.

Cyber Safety

Now is the time to be extra vigilant when your child/ren are using devices online.  Children will innocently engage with popups, messages and anything that looks interesting on the screen.  To keep your child/ren safe when using devices;

  • Establish strict rules and stick to them,
  • Educate about Cyber safety;
    • Never post or trade personal pictures,
    • Never reveal personal information, such as address, phone number, or school name or location,
    • Use only a screen name and don't share passwords (other than with parents),
    • Never agree to get together in person with anyone met online without parent approval and/or supervision,
    • Never respond to a threatening email, message, post, or text,
    • Always tell a parent or other trusted adult about any communication or conversation that was scary or hurtful.
  • Spend time online together to teach your kids appropriate online behaviour,
  • Keep the computer in a common area where you can watch and monitor its use, not in individual bedrooms.  Monitor any time spent on smartphones or tablets,
  • Bookmark kids' favourite sites for easy access,
  • Check your credit card and phone bills for unfamiliar account charges,
  • Take your child seriously if he or she reports an uncomfortable online exchange.

Monitoring and Reporting

  • Student/adult at home takes a photo of student work and uses Class Dojo to send it back to the class teacher.
  • Student/adult at home takes a photo of student work and emails it back to the class teacher.
  • Teacher checks for understanding via Class Dojo or by return email from parent or student.
  • Older students can upload their work to their teacher using the Class Dojo App.
  • Students or their parent/carer may return specified work after isolation.


  • Teachers will contact families where there is no evidence that work has been completed.
  • Teachers are expected to regularly communicate with families  to touch base and provide support.
  • The school will consider the following when making a reasonable judgement that the student is attending/participating in a learning program:
  • Satisfactory submission of work according to the work schedule; and/or
  • Teacher/parent/student contact; and/or
  • Logging in to online sessions (Class Dojo, Zoom, Teams).

How can I support my child when Learning at Home?

Parents can support student learning in different ways.

  • Be positive and enthusiastic, and take interest in your child's work. Discuss the work with your child during the study time so that he/she receives immediate feedback or extra assistance if needed.
  • Be consistent. Most children look for order, firmness and fairness.
  • Encourage learning beyond the classroom. – Playing, cooking, and outdoor activities.
  • If you have more than one child allow them to work together. For example, an older child could conference a writing task with a younger child, or read to a younger child.
  • Check your child's work and go through any incorrect work with them. It is important to leave any incorrect work, showing with corrected attempts underneath because this informs the class teacher's understanding about the processes your child is using.
  • When you receive teacher feedback discuss this with your child.
  • There will be times when you need to be flexible. Your child may be ill or you may be busy with other demands. Speak to the teachers about your child's workload.
  • Children with learning difficulties or special needs may need a modified learning program developed for them. Your classroom teacher is your first port of call and they will work with your child’s Special Needs Assistant to best support your child. Your child’s education assistant from school will prove to be a wealth of knowledge in this area.

School Chaplain and Psychologist

Both the School Chaplain and School Psychologist,  will continue to work with the school supporting our students.  If you would like support from either or both, please contact the school.

Important Contacts

Child and Adolescent Health Services

Urgent Mental Health Support – 1800 048 636


Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800


Beyond Blue Australia – 1300 224 636


Lifeline – 13 11 44



Thank you for your ongoing support during this extraordinary time.  I hope you and your families are both healthy and well.

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher to ask for clarity or help.  We are all on this  journey together.


Mr J. Grasso


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