Boyanup Primary School
T 08 9732 3700
Boyanup Primary School
45 Thomas Street, BOYANUP WA 6237
Justin Grasso (Principal)
Claire Earle (Board Chairperson)
Ashton Strand (Parent)
Erica Foan (Parent)
Sonya Howe (Parent)
Lisa Mitchell (Community)
Marion Arrowsmith (Community)
Dean Dixon (School Staff)
Jo Parry (School Staff)
The Board of an Independent Public School offers an opportunity to attract a broad cross-section of people with a range of experiences and expertise from within the community. Strong community and business representation ensures the Board can make an even more significant contribution to the development of the school. Department of Education employees bring their educational expertise.
The role of the school board is one of working with the school and the community to ensure the long term future for the school is maintained. The Board takes part in establishing and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions, planning financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions and evaluating the school’s performance in achieving those objectives, priorities and directions.