Boyanup Primary School
T 08 9732 3700
Boyanup Primary School
45 Thomas Street, BOYANUP WA 6237
At the beginning of every school year, Parents/Carers are required to complete a Form 1 – Student Health Care Summary for each child. You will find this and other forms relating to specific medical needs below on this webpage. Please note that some forms will require your Doctor’s signature, especially when prescribed medications are submitted.
At Boyanup Primary School we have established a process for managing the administration of medication to students when they are in the school’s care.
Except in an extreme emergency, e.g. unexpected anaphylaxis, medication can only be administered by school staff if appropriate documentation has been completed by Parents/Carers. This applies to both prescribed and non-prescribed medication.
For administration of short term medication such as a course of antibiotics, our school requires written authority from Parents/Carers. This authority can be provided by completing an Administration of Medication form. These forms can be obtained from the Front Admin Office or downloaded from the school’s website below.
If you require the school to administer medication to your child for a period of more than two weeks, you will need to complete a Student Health Care Summary and a Management/Emergency Response Plan for your child’s particular health need. In most instances, this documentation will have been completed when you enrolled your child or as part of the school’s process for updating student health care records. If this is not the case, please discuss with the Front Admin Office Staff.
Please submit forms with supply of medications (clearly labelled with student’s name) to the Front Administration Office.
It is very important that parents notify Administration of any changes to their children’s Health and Medical status.