Boyanup Primary School
T 08 9732 3700
Boyanup Primary School
45 Thomas Street, BOYANUP WA 6237
At Boyanup Primary School, staff commit to ensuring a safe and supportive environment where all members of our school community have the right to be respected and have responsibility to respect each other.
Boyanup Primary School endeavours to work collectively with students, families and staff towards the implementation of a whole school approach of positive behavior that is consistent and empowering, creating a safe and supportive learning environment for all students—enabling academic success, social and personal achievement.
In emergencies, schools need to have at hand practical information about actions that guide response and aid recovery in such an incident. Schools need to take action to prepare for and prevent emergencies and critical incidents.
At Boyanup Primary School, the Good Standing Strategy supports our values of Endeavour, Integrity and Achievement. ‘Good Standing’ is reinforced by our Positive Behaviour Support Program which explicitly reinforces and teaches being an Active Learner; being Responsible; being Caring & Safe and being Respectful.
Food and drinks provided in Western Australian public schools are required to support the development of healthy eating in students. Boyanup Primary School’s Healthy Food and Drink policy is compliant with the Department of Education’s Healthy Food and Drink policy. Applies to classroom rewards, cooking activities, special events, school camps and excursions and also applies to the school canteen operated by the Parents and Citizens’ Associations, providing a food service to the school.
At Boyanup Primary School, Students are encouraged to complete homework activities. This can include home reading, completion of unfinished work or separate homework activities. Homework develops organisational skills in students, provides additional practice when needed and enables parents to share with their child’s learning experiences.
At Boyanup Primary School, our dress code establishes the standards expected of students and plays an important role in promoting a positive image of the school. The dress code supports all students to participate fully in school life, creating a sense of identity and a school culture in which every student experiences a sense of belonging.
Boyanup Primary School uses the Internet as a teaching and learning tool. We see the Internet as a valuable resource but acknowledge it must be used responsibly. Our children have been asked to agree to use the Internet responsibly at school.