Boyanup Primary School
T 08 9732 3700
Boyanup Primary School
45 Thomas Street, BOYANUP WA 6237
Students are encouraged to be independent, valuing themselves and others. A high standard of courtesy, dress and integrity is expected and reinforced. Positive character development is taught through the Social, Emotional programs, ‘You Can Do It’, Zones of Regulation and ’MindUP’.
Pastoral care is common practice to support our students in all facets of their development and wellbeing. The appointment of a school Chaplain and the engagement of mentors encourage and guide students who may benefit from a supporting and mentoring relationship. Behaviour management, using restorical practices is implemented through the School Wide Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support initiative (SWPBIS).
A whole school approach towards creating a culture which encourages effective learning through the development of a positive, calm and welcoming environment. Positive feedback is encouraged regularly to students, endeavoring to teach them how to behave appropriately. Social skills and socially acceptable behaviours are taught through a process similarly as learning how to read or solve a mathematical problem.
A social and emotional learning program that provides our students with the necessary skills and attitudes to increase their positivity, achievement and wellbeing. The 5 Keys to Success are embedded within the program, which aligns with the Australian National Curriculum.
The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum designed to foster self-regulation and emotional control. It is a cognitive approach used to help students self-regulate their behaviours, emotions and sensory needs. With concepts and visuals students learn to recognise their feelings and levels of alertness. The program is designed to assist students to identify their feelings and utilise adaptive strategies for optimal learning in the classroom.
A research-based program for educators and children, founded by Goldie Hawn (The Hawn Foundation) in collaboration with neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists and educators. ‘MindUP’ supports students to deepen their understanding of their own mental processes, expanding their social and emotional awareness and preparing them to be in an effective state of mind to learn. A key strategy of ‘MindUP’ is the Core Practice (Meditation). Children learn the habit of deep belly breathing and focused attention. This serves as a conduit through which the children become aware of the connections between brain and body, between what goes on 'inside' and the actual experience. It is expected that children become more resilient, are aware of their impulses, thoughts, feelings and behaviour - enhancing their confidence, pleasure and bolstering enthusiasm for learning.
“By focusing our attention and controlling our breath, we can learn to reduce stress and optimise the learning capacity of the brain.”
Given the impact therapy or wellbeing dogs can have on student well-being, schools are increasingly adopting these programs as an alternate way of providing social and emotional support for students. The role of a wellbeing dog is to react and respond to people and their environment, under the guidance and direction of their owner. The benefit of wellbeing dogs includes;
Finn is a 18 month old miniature Poodle-Bichon cross. He is well trained, loves cuddles and walks. Finn’s favourite foods are chicken, cheese, watermelon and carrots. His favourite toys are his hamburger, his ball, a tug-rope and teddies. He loves playing in water and going for car rides.